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by Kiersten Rock-Torcivia Who is this girl? What is on her chest? On her chest, just below her left collarbone, is a black oval outline shadowed...
Lauren’s ARVC Story
Nine months ago, on March 14, 2024 (National Pi Day, to be exact), something happened to me that didn’t make sense No matter how many highly...
DeLainee & Kerri’s Patient Pillows Bring Comfort and Connection
17 year old Delainee dreams of a day when she can connect with hospitalized children bringing them comfort and connection the way her mother, Kerri,...
Tana’s SCA Story
“Telling you all of that is like telling someone’s else's story,” Tana said as I interviewed her on a bright, sunny fall day in October. Nine months...
Michelle’s Sudden Cardiac Arrest Story
Michelle’s family had a history of heart issues – but Michelle’s doctor still told her that all her tests were coming back just fine, despite...
Mental Health and ARVC
Written by Kiersten Rock-Torcivia "Mental health isn’t static; just like anything in life, there are highs and lows." Mental Health. It's a...
Jadale’s CPVT & SCA Story
When Jadale was nine, he experienced his very first symptom of CPVT – a terrifying episode in which he lost consciousness in the rain and had to...
Kaveri’s Short QT Syndrome Story
Kaveri didn’t have any indication that something was wrong with her son’s heart – until he experienced Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) during a band gig...
Elliott’s Brugada Syndrome Story
Elliott was diagnosed with Brugada Syndrome in 2020. And he credits the discovery of this rare cardiac condition to an episode of “How I Met Your...
John’s CPVT Story
John is a happy, compassionate, and bright 10-year-old boy who loves science and learning how things work – and who almost lost his life because of...
Martin’s LQTS Story
Martin – also known as Fast Heart Mart – was diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) at the age of 17 after six years of searching for answers. Now,...
Katherine’s SCA & HCM Story
Katherine could tell that something was wrong with her heart – but doctors kept telling her that she was a perfectly healthy eighth grader. After...