by SADS Foundation | Jul 24, 2024 | Conference
What are some fun things to do while I’m in Chicago for the 2024 SADS Family Conference? The group rates we’ve negotiated at the hotel – just $159 per night – are a great bargain, especially for such a fantastic hotel within walking distance of the...
by kymera_editor | Oct 17, 2019 | Awareness, Conference, CPR, ICD, Long QT Syndrome, Online Patient Communities, SADS Spotlight, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Support Groups
Name: Heather Whitehurst Age: 36When was your SCA? September 26, 2015 Which SADS condition do you have? LQTS How are you treated? Beta blocker, ICD, paced to not go below 60bpm to help prevent arrhythmia as lower heart rates are a known trigger for me, avoiding meds...
by kymera_editor | Sep 17, 2019 | Conference
Welcome to Atlanta! Our family is thrilled that Atlanta is hosting this year’s SADS Foundation Conference. There are so many delicious new restaurants, landmarks and fun attractions for the whole family to enjoy. You can do as much, or as little as you’d like in our...
by kymera_editor | Sep 13, 2019 | Advocacy, AEDs, Conference, CPR, SADS Spotlight, Schools, Sports/Exercise, Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Name: Richard LamphierLocation: Atlanta, GA Occupation: Program Manager Project S.A.V.E of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, an affiliate of Project ADAM Why were you drawn to nursing as a career? I had a good friend who passed away. While he was...
by kymera_editor | Jan 4, 2019 | Conference, CPVT, ICD, Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Read Kennedy’s previous post for the first installment of her story. January 23rd. Some recognize this date as the day Richard Nixon announced an accord to end the Vietnam War, or the day LeBron James became the 7th and youngest player to reach the 30,000 NBA point...
by kymera_editor | Dec 4, 2018 | Conference, Long QT Syndrome, SADS Spotlight
Mama’s house is gone Fragments remain as part of That once vital family I am one of those fragments My name is Mary I have a story to tell Dirt road, uninsulated house, outhouse, wood stoves- one for heating, the other for cooking, water from a pump nearby. The...