United Kingdom & Europe Conference

International Conference is being hosted virtually by the SADS Foundation in collaboration with SADS UK, SADS Deutschland, and SAMS Asociacion on Saturday, July 15. The program will include presentations by medical professionals and patients in English, followed by breakout sessions in German and Spanish.
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Saturday, July 15th – United Kingdom & Europe
10 AM BST (UK), 11 AM CEST (EU)
SADS Foundation in collaboration with SADS UK, SADS Deutschland and y Asociación SAMS España (SAMS Association)
All times UK Time BST:
10:00 BST/11:00 (CEST) Welcome
Anne Jolly, SADS UK
10:15 BST/ 11:15 (CEST) Personalized Medicine in the Treatment of SADS Conditions: From Drugs to Denervation to Devices
Greg Mellor, MD, Consultant Cardiologist & Cardiac Electrophysiologist, Royal Papworth, UK
10:35 BST/ 11:35 (CEST) Being young and living with an ICD
Ben Culff, patient testimonial
10:45 BST/ 11:45 (CEST) Is genetic testing helpful in defining risk for patients with Inherited Cardiac Conditions (ICC)?
Dr. Leema Robert, Consultant clinical geneticist, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London
11:05 BST/ 12:05 (CEST)SADS Conditions and Research: A Sneak Peek into Tomorrow
Silvia Priori, MD, PhD University of Pavia, Italy
11:45 BST/ 12:45 (CEST) Panel / Q&A
Moderated by Anne Jolly
- Professor Dhavendra Kumar, Bart’s and the London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
- Greg Mellor, MD, Consultant Cardiologist & Cardiac Electrophysiologist, Royal Papworth, UK
- Dr. Leema Robert, Consultant clinical geneticist, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London
- Silvia Priori, MD, PhD University of Pavia, Italy
- Ben Culff, patient
12:30 BST/ 13:30 (CEST/Spanish) BREAKOUTS ROOMS
Four simultaneous breakout rooms immediately following SADS UK program (one Spanish, two German (one SADS-Deutschland and one ARVC), one English):
Breakout Rooms 1:13:30 (CEST)– Breakout in Spanish
- Ester Costafreda (SAMS Association), Welcome
- Georgia Sarquella Brugada, MD, PhD, Head of Pediatric Arrhythmias, Inherited Cardiac Diseases and Sudden Death Unit, Cardiology Department, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona – Universitat de Barcelona
- Spanish patients’ testimonials: Laia Marsinyach (ARVC) and Ana Echeverria Aristegui (LQT)
- Q & A panel with Dr. Brugada, Laia & Ana
- Informal Meet & greet with the community
Breakout Room 2: 13:30 (CEST)– SADS – Community auf Deutsch
- Katrin Luetjering, SADS Deutschland – Welcome, SADS-Deutschland introduction & programs
- Prof. Silke Kauferstein, (Leiterin des Zentrums für plötzlichen Herztod und familiäre Arrhythmiesyndrome, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- Dr. med. Britt-Maria Beckmann, Leiterin der Ambulanz für plötzlichen Herztod und familiäre Arrhythmiesyndrome, Universität Frankfurt
- Informal Q&A & stories among SADS community
Breakout 3: 13:30 (CEST)– ARVC- Community auf Deutsch
- Ruth Biller, ARVC-Selbsthilfe – Willkommen
- Prof. Matthias Paul (ARVC-Spezialist, Ärztlicher Leiter der Akademie für Diagnostik und Prävention, langjähriger Oberarzt an der Klinik für Kardiologie am Universitätsklinikum Münster)
- Q&A Session (Fragen an den ARVC-Experten)
- Danach: Informeller Austausch unter ARVC-Betroffenen
Breakout 4: 12:30 BST – SADS UK in English
- Welcome, Anne & John Jolly
- Informal meet & greet among the SADS UK Patient/Family Community
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Any Hardy-Wallace
- Mark Wendruff – Patient
We are grateful to the following sponsors for supporting our 2023 Virtual Annual Conference.