SADS Awareness Month

Help us spread awareness about SADS conditions!

This September, we’re celebrating SADS Awareness Month – an opportunity for us to bring awareness to SADS conditions, and help our friends, family, and communities learn more about them. Each week, we will be focusing on one of the SADS conditions, and providing you with our newest stories, research, and resources for that condition.

We have a lot of easy ways to participate throughout the month! Check out some ways you can be a part of this campaign below. And make sure to sign up for our eNews to get a special email with tons of resources for your cardiac condition, plus the latest about research and new clinical trials. 

Order an awareness shirt.

 Wear awareness on your sleeve! We have shirts for specific conditions, or just for general SADS awareness, with colors & sizes for your whole family. Wear awareness on your sleeve! We have shirts for specific conditions, or just for general SADS awareness, with colors & sizes for your whole family.


Share your story.

Let us know what you wish others knew about your condition! You can share your story by emailing us here. Your story may be featured on social media or on our YouTube Channel!


Be at the heart of it all.

We want to spotlight YOUR person in our new campaign, where you can use your story and experiences to help us raise funds and awareness in your community. Check out our Peer-to-Peer Campaign, The Heart of It, here.

Download our new fact sheets to help explain YOUR condition

We’ve just developed brand-new fact sheets for SADS conditions that you can give to family, friends, and your community. It explains what your condition is, what the treatment is, and answers to common questions you may hear from family and friends when explaining your diagnosis.

We’ll be updating them throughout the month; you can download the completed fact sheets below.

Long QT Fact Sheet

ARVC and ACM Fact Sheet

CPVT Fact Sheet

Brugada Syndrome Fact Sheet