Joey James Dokken

Joey James Dokken

Joey was 17 years old . He was a soccer player , played the trumpet, was a Boy Scout, was very smart, was very kind, and he had a cute smile. He was my 3rd child. He was a happy boy. He was in good athletic shape. He died of SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) in his sleep...
Tyson Downs

Tyson Downs

My nephew passed away at age of 18, to a hereditary gene MYH7, my family has been going through genetic testing and have had amazing support from SADS , my nephew was a hockey player for Waterloo Siskins, Golfer, and lacrosse player with the Owen sound North Stars, we...
Melissa Longerbeam

Melissa Longerbeam

My daughter was my best friend, and a part of my life since I was 16 years old. She was my best shopping buddy, my little chauffer, she was my sidekick. She was also a wife, mom, sister and friend to anyone she met. She was “ONE OF A...
Eric Linett

Eric Linett

Eric worked as an RN for many years and love being around people. He had a positive energy and an infectious smile and his personality was larger than life. He had a great sense of humor and loved making everyone laugh. Eric enjoyed being outdoors and spent his time...
Daniel N. Krehbiel

Daniel N. Krehbiel

Daniel, a healthy and very intelligent 12 year old, the youngest of four children, collapsed and died, the day after Thanksgiving at home, in 2008. Immediate CPR could not save him. An AED did not arrive for 20 minutes. He is desperately missed by all of us every day....