The first time I had my cardiac arrest was February 13th, 2016.   My cardiac arrest occurred when I was at baseball practice and I told my coach I did not feel right and was having a lot of pain.  I thought it was just muscle pain, but I ignored it and a few minutes later it came back.  My coach told me to sit down for a few minutes.  Then it was my turn to play baseball.   Then, all of a sudden, I collapsed on the baseball field and suffered a cardiac arrest. 

Because of the life-saving measures of my coach who did CPR on me and 911 emergency services, I survived!   My heart had stopped beating and I had no pulse.  They performed CPR on me until the ambulance came.  I was air lifted to the Children’s Hospital, Lucile Packard at Palo Alto Stanford.  I was in the intensive care unit for two months straight fighting for my life!  

Thanks to my coaches, I am alive today.   I had symptoms on the same day of the game and my cardiac arrest, but no symptoms the day before.   When I woke up, I was in the hospital.  Now, I see my cardiologist every two months for follow-up. 

Do you have an SCA survivor story? We’d love for you to share it with us! Just send a short video (1-3 minutes long) or a written story to [email protected]