Mobile Fetal Magnetocardiography Study

Open to New Participants 

Run By: Children’s Wisconsin

This is an NIH funded study dedicated to learning more about abnormal heart rhythm patterns in the fetus. 

Fetal Magnetocardiography (fMCG) utilizes a SQUID (Super Conducting Quantum Interference Device) housed within a magnetically shielded room to define fetal heart conduction (the pattern of electrical cardiac impulses). It is FDA-approved for recording cardiac signals at all ages, including in the fetus.

fMCG is a safe and non-invasive method that records the magnetic signals produced naturally by the fetal heart allowing us to monitor fetal heart rhythm and conduction during pregnancy. Unlike an MRI, fMCG does not produce ultrasound or magnetic energies.

fMCG offers important information in addition to ultrasound and better quality recordings than fetal Electrocardiography (ECG). This allows for assessment of fetal cardiac conduction including cardiac intervals (P wave, QRS and QT) signal characteristics and rhythm patterns.

We cannot guarantee that study participation will benefit you or your fetus, however fMCG has the potential to improve diagnosis and guide treatment in some fetuses with abnormal heart rhythms. Participation may also benefit pregnant women in the future by helping us learn more about normal and abnormal heart rhythm in association with diagnosis linked to stillbirth. Learn more here.

Eligibility Criteria

You may quality if you are currently pregnant between 20 and 37 weeks gestation and have:

  • A history of a prior pregnancy resulting in a stillbirth after 20 weeks gestation (5months)
  • Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome or Monochorionic twins
  • Fetal heart defect
  • Fetal abdominal wall birth defect
  • Fetal hydrops

Who should NOT participate?

  • If your physician determines travel to the lab would complicate the pregnancy
  • You must be at least 18 years to participate

What will participation involve?

Testing will take place at:

Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research
1111 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705

  • You will change into a hospital gown and lie on the exam table.
  • An ultrasound machine will be used to determine the position of the fetus’s heart (this is not an obstetrical ultrasound; therefore, the gender of the fetus cannot be determined).
  • The fMCG device will be positioned as shown in the photo and will rest lightly on your stomach.
  • Recordings will be conducted in 10-minute time frames with the entire procedure taking 1 to 3 hours. You may take breaks as needed.
  • You will have 2 recording sessions before you deliver and your baby will have 1 EKG performed within the first 2 weeks of life.

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