
by Kiersten Rock-Torcivia Who is this girl? What is on her chest? On her chest, just below her left collarbone, is a black oval outline shadowed with gray. Slashing diagonally through the upper part of the shape sits a vibrant raw pink scar. From the upper part of the...

Lauren’s ARVC Story

Nine months ago, on March 14, 2024 (National Pi Day, to be exact), something happened to me that didn’t make sense No matter how many highly trained, world-renowned doctors at the Cleveland Clinic diagnosed and treated me, they still can’t explain exactly why what...

Mental Health and ARVC

Written by Kiersten Rock-Torcivia   “Mental health isn’t static; just like anything in life, there are highs and lows.” Mental Health. It’s a hot topic these days, on the tip of everyone’s tongue. But what does it look like when it comes to...

Erin’s ARVC Awareness Story

I have always been an active person, particularly when it comes to exploring nature. Throughout my 20s, I was often backpacking, hiking, or going on long bike rides. I first realized something was wrong when I began fainting while running. I couldn’t figure out...

Andy’s ARVC story

In 2016, Andy decided to complete a marathon in all fifty states. He wanted to finish this challenge quickly, and set a goal of running 10-12 marathons each year. In 2020, Andy experienced some concerning symptoms while training – including a high heart rate and...