Erin’s ARVC Awareness Story

I have always been an active person, particularly when it comes to exploring nature. Throughout my 20s, I was often backpacking, hiking, or going on long bike rides. I first realized something was wrong when I began fainting while running. I couldn’t figure out...

Andy’s ARVC story

In 2016, Andy decided to complete a marathon in all fifty states. He wanted to finish this challenge quickly, and set a goal of running 10-12 marathons each year. In 2020, Andy experienced some concerning symptoms while training – including a high heart rate and...

Susan’s Heart Failure and Transplant Story

Susan’s first symptom of a heart problem was a Sudden Cardiac Arrest in her driveway as she was getting ready to leave for work in 2015. It took over three years to figure out what caused her Sudden Cardiac Arrest. “I was in a coma for four days after my SCA,” says...

David’s ARVC Story

In November of 2021, six weeks after hiking Mount Whitney – the highest mountain in the contiguous United States – David fainted while taking his dog, Honey, for a nighttime walk. “My entire life, I was very active,” says David, who played baseball in college and...

ARVC Awareness: Nathan’s Story

During a typical morning run in August of 2022, Nathan became lightheaded and had to lie down on the sidewalk. After he was found by two other runners, he was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with ARVC – and he’s joining the SADS Foundation ARVC Steering...