Living With SADS Webinars
Inherited Arrhythmias Webinar Series
Latest Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies for ARVD/ARVC
This free webinar, first in a three-part series, promises to be a wonderful oppertunity to learn more about ARVD/ARVC.

Speaker: Hugh Calkins, M.D.
Director, Cardiac Arrhythmia Service, Johns Hopkins
Director, Johns Hopkins ARVD Program
Director, Johns Hopkins Atrial Fibrillation Center
Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory
Director, Tilt Table Diagnostic Laboratory
Dr. Hugh Calkins is the Nicholas J. Fortuin M.D. Professor of Cardiology and Director of the Electrophysiology Laboratory and Arrhythmia Service at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is an internationally recognized expert on catheter ablation, atrial fibrillation, syncope, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) and arrhythmia management.
Dr. Calkins is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology and is on the editorial board of many other cardiology journals. He is a former member of the American Board of Internal Medicine Electrophysiology Boards Test Writing Committee. Dr. Calkins is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association and the Heart Rhythm Society. He led a 44-member international task force whose 2012 Expert Consensus Statement gave recommendations for treatment and research of atrial fibrillation. Dr Calkins is a past president of the Heart Rhythm Society and was elected to be a member of the Miler Coulsen Academy of Clinical Excellence in 2014.

Speaker: Brittney Murray, MS, CGC
Brittney Murray is a clinical genetic counselor at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the Center for Inherited Heart Disease and the clinical genetic counselor/program coordinator of the JHH ARVD/C Program. The JHH ARVD/C Program is internationally recognized as the largest clinical and research center dedicated to clinical evaluation and research in ARVD/C.
Ms. Murray has authored many papers on genetics and ARVD/C. She is active both within the JHH/NIH and University of Maryland genetic counseling programs as a clinical supervisor and also has developed and instructs their cardiovascular genetics section lectures annually. In addition, she is active in the field of genetic counseling, and is the current co-chair of the National Society of Genetic Counselors Cardiovascular Special Interest Group.
Ms. Murray is a member of the Heart Rhythm Society and is a frequent invited speaker at the annual scientific sessions. She received her BS in Biology from Wittenberg University and her MS in Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling from the University of Michigan.
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