Experiences with Scan Related-Anxiety
Title: Assessing the Effects of Scan Related Anxiety (Scanxiety) in Individuals at Risk for Cardiomyopathy Prior to Having Cardiac Imaging
MGH Institute of Health Professionals is looking for adults who are over 18 years old, at risk for cardiomyopathy, have had at least one echocardiogram OR cardiac MRI in the last 5 years, have not been personally diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, can read English and currently live in the United States to participate in a research study.
They are interested in learning about scan-related anxiety (scanxiety) in individuals who have an increased risk for cardiomyopathy. Participation in this study will take approximately 15-20 minutes. You will be asked to complete one survey.
Eligibility criteria
- Over 18 years old
- At risk for cardiomyopathy
- Had at least one echocardiogram OR cardiac MRI in the last 5 years
- Have not been personally diagnosed with cardiomyopathy
- Can read English and currently live in the United States
After completing the survey, if you’d like to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win 1 of 4 $50 Amazon gift cards there will be a space to enter your email. Entering into the drawing and providing your email address is entirely optional. All email submitted for the drawing will be stored separately from the completed surveys to ensure all responses remain fully anonymous.
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